
Learn more about Getinet

Software Developer

  • First Degree: BIT, Ethiopia
  • Website: getinet.netlify.app
  • Phone: +251 991 732 949
  • City: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • MSC Degree: Near East University, Turkey
  • Degree: Msc In Software Engineering
  • Email: getinetamare@gmail.com
  • Full Time: Available

Hello! My name is Getinet and I enjoy solving problems and creating codes that live on the internet. My interest in computer science started back in 2013 when I decided to start attending my first degree in Bahir Dar Institute of Technology. My journey with programming started from second semister course with introduction to computer programming Fast-forward to today, I've had the privilege of working at Debre Tabor University as a 75% letcurer, 25% research, technology transfer and community service for three years. During attending my Msc in Turkish republic of North Cyprus, I was participated in maintening the existing Lecturers performance management software. Experianced in Java, Spring boot, Vue.js, MySQL database with linux server deployment.

Taught Students


plus Hours Of Support/ Advising



Java 80%
Spring Boot 70%
Vue Js 65%
Vuex 55%
HTML 90%
CSS 80%
JavaScript 70%
PHP 60%





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Very helpful web application for the university as well as the students in evaluating the assigned instructer and advisor.

Senbeto Kaymo

Head of Department of Information Technology

Without doubt you are one of the most skilled programmers out here in Commercial Bank of Ethiopia. Smart, trustworthy and professional. You won't be disappointed.

Tiztaw Tilay



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Getinet Amare

Innovative and deadline-driven Software Engineer with 2+ years of experience designing and developing user-centered sofware from initial concept to final, polished deliverable.

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • (251) 991-732 949
  • getinetamare@gmail.com


Master of Science in Software Engineering

2017 - 2019

Near East University, Nicosia, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus

Graduated with very great distinction grade

Bachelor of Science in information Technology

2013 - 2016

Bahir Dar Institutue of Technology, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Graduated with great distinction grade


Optical Mark Reader System Using Image Scanner

2018 - 2019

published on conteporany, special edition Spain

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Download Full Research on Near East Grand Library

It is the process of scanning optical paper sheets to decide the appearance and non-appearance of marks in a prearranged location. This system is developed by using image processing techniques. The system has eight types of scoring sheets and its own unique barcode to classify them. The scoring sheet contains 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 80, 100 and 125 questions with 5 choices in each. It has two types of users where first one feed sheets and can see OMR result, and the second one only read OMR results. It can send the recognized scoring sheet by bordering the answer area with different colors; these are green border for correctly marked answers, red border for duplicate marked answers, and yellow border for totally unmarked questions. Results obtained shows that the system takes scoring sheets and produces results with letter grade and equivalent numerical letters.


Food E-commerce App

May - 2023 - Present
Mack’s Food, Nigeria [Remote]

Mackys Food, is an online food store that provides its users, an instant access to over 100 food items in different menu categories. Unlike traditional food restaurants, Mackys, focus on serving online customers between the age of 15-35 years, who prefer convenient self service methods, with vast selection of food items at low prices, plus on time delivery service.

CBE end to end Loan Management System.

Mar-2023 - Present

CBE Loan Management System is a web platform which assists lenders and employees in automating and streamlining the entire loan life cycle including loan servicing, reporting, customer care, and customer monitoring. It acts as a centralized data storage unit which is used for retaining and managing customer information, creating new loans, and keeping a record of all financial statements for the lenders. Thus, it offers an integrated overview of all the different processes of the lending lifecycle. This unified platform also has built in analytic modules that can be utilized for providing useful analysis and insights into automating the entire loan cycle as well as comprehensive reports on the cash flow. Integrated with core banking system i.e. T-24 to check, reuse the previous history of lenders information.


January, 2023 - Present

In theory, an NPV is “good” if it is greater than zero. After all, the NPV calculation already takes into account factors such as the investor's cost of capital, opportunity cost, and risk tolerance through the discount rate. And the future cash flows of the project, together with the time value of money, are also captured. Therefore, even an NPV of $1 should theoretically qualify as “good,” indicating that the project is worthwhile. In practice, since estimates used in the calculation are subject to error, many planners will set a higher bar for NPV to give themselves an additional margin of safety.

CBE GYM Management System

April, 2022 - December, 2022

CBE Gym management system is a web based system that is used for selecting gym customers randomly based on gymnasium’s capacity among many applicants, manage training schedule, manage trainees’ fitness status, assign trainees to training schedule randomly, generate attendance based on the assigned schedule automatically. It has an integration with mobile money to pay monthly gym payment online. It has also an integration with CBE’s email server using LDAP to authenticate the gym customer is the right CBE’s employee. For those trainees who does not obey with the rule and regulations of the gymnasium in related to attendance, and monthly payment, the system can send warning and ban message to customer’s email automatically.

  • Gather the requirement through information gathering techniques.
  • Analysis of requirement.
  • Design Requirement analysis and architecture
  • Review the existing manual systems
  • Designed and implemented the user interfaces
  • Used Java and Spring Boot as back end programming language and framework respectively
  • Used Vue.js, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML as front end
  • Used MYSQL for database
  • Tools: - IntelliJ, Hibernate, Visual Studio Code, Git, GitHub, Postman, Insomnia, UML.
  • Demo 1: Demo 1 on youtube
  • Demo 2: Demo1 on youtube
  • Demo 3: Demo1 on youtube

Payment Card Requester and Tracker

January, 2022 - March, 2022

Payment Card Requester and Tracker system is a web based system that is used for providing online form for requesting payment cards such as Debit, Credit, Staff, Women, Youth, and other types of cards. After successfully requesting the payment cards, the application generates random unique number and send it to customer email for tracking and cancellation purpose. The card production tracking is made both on web forms side and telegram bot integration on it. It has also cancellation option before card production commencements.

  • Gather, Analyse and review the requirement
  • Design and Implement the system
  • Used Java and Spring Boot as back end programming language and framework respectively.
  • Used Vue.js, JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML as front end.
  • Used MYSQL for database.
  • Tools: - IntelliJ, Hibernate, Visual Studio Code, Git, GitHub, Postman, Insomnia, UML, JHipster.
  • Demo 1: Demo 1 on youtube

Lecturers performance management system

Oct, 2019 - Jun, 2020

Lecturers performance management system is a web based system that is used for managing the lecturers’ performance collected from different organs. The system collects the evaluation results from the students he/she taught, colleagues, as advisor, and boss. Finally, or in between, the lecturer can check the evaluation result details.

  • Used PHP as back end scripting language.
  • Used JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, HTML as front end.
  • Used MYSQL for database.
  • Tools: - Sublime text 3, UML, Xampp, Chrome


My Works

  • All
  • App
  • Card
  • Web

App 1


Web 3


App 2


Card 2


Web 2


App 3


App 4


App 5


Card 1


Card 3


Card 4


Card 4


Card 5


Card 5


Web 3


Web 4


Web 4


Web 5


Web 6



Contact Me

My Address

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Social Profiles

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Call Me

+251 991 732 949

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Designed by Getinet Amare Mekonnen